German Smallpipe


Der Dudelsack für Einsteiger
Mit Leder, Holz & Leinöl die Bordunmusik erleben

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Die German-Smallpipe
Hole Dir diesen Dudelsack und lege los

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Die German-Smallpipe
Hole Dir diesen Dudelsack und lege los

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The German Smallpipe by Dominik Pawlat is well suited for beginners. This bagpipe made of cowhide and cherry wood has a rich but relatively quiet sound. Even beyond your beginnings you will have fun with this bagpipe for a long time.
Learn to play bagpipes
We would like to discover with you the world of bagpipe music, especially the market bag music, which is based on the Middle Ages. For this purpose we offer bagpipe courses and a textbook to learn at home.
If you have any questions, feel free to write us.
Your team from

Start small with the practice flute or get the complete bagpipe right away:

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